Workshops Programme:
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Weird Signal Processing – a VGA Hacking Workshop
Building: SKUR14
Date: 23rd Nov 10:00-14:00
Name Yune Paik is known for manipulating a TV set with a magnet. One might think that after we abandoned monitor tubes the combination of TV and magnetism is gone as well. But similar techniques are still possible today by manipulating the monitor signal.
The fact that most signals used to connect devices via wires are based on electric current allows for easy hacking. For example one can manipulate the VGA video signal flow with coils and magnetic fields. The signal being similar to sound signals makes for an easy transfer to sound and vice versa. One can make a video signal hearable and display an audio signal on a monitor.
In the workshop we will process VGA signals. We learn the basic about the VGA standart and how to manipulate, mix and sonify the signal, how to amplifier, invert and add fast video signals. Every participant will build a VGA breakout board that allows easy access to the signal.
Please bring your own laptop (with a VGA connection or converter), an Arduino and or your Raspberry Pi if you have some.