This as yet untitled video series will eventually consist of 189 videos of less than a minute each. The 189 number is in relation to the number of spells in the ancient Egyptian “Book of the Dead”. In no way will these video’s be an exact interpretation of those spells, but the spells will have some influence as far as the design, and iconography of the videos. These videos will revolve around several philosophical works related to Language, Text, Structuralism, and Deconstruction. As well as the past, present, and future impact of technology on Language, and Perception. Ideas from Jacques Derrida’s “Of Grammatology” and “Writing and Difference”, Marshall Mcluhan’s “The Gutenberg Galaxy” and James Joyce’s “Finnigans Wake” are some of a few of the many conceptual inspirations for this ongoing video project. The rough plan is that I come out with one new video a week following a few self imposed but flexible rules. With the option of taking some time off periodically to travel and do more research. All though I plan on sequentially numbering these in Roman numerals as they come out, they do not need to be viewed in any sequential order. And they should be able to either be viewed individually, and/or grouped in any order. Ideally these should be viewed in 4K.