Hive Synthesis attempts to create a symbiotic frequency relationship, like pollination and nectar exchanges, beekeeper and bees. I was inspired to learn more about bee frequencies and create a work that raised awareness about bees and their increasingly fragile ecology system.
The idea is to create an audio journey which explores the sounds and frequencies inside the honey bee’s home the beehive.
In each honey bee colony there are three types of bee. The drone, worker and queen bees, each of these have their own individual frequencies in the ranges of; low – 200 Hz or less, mid – 200-400 Hz and high – 400+ Hz, just like the earth has its own special frequency of approximately 7 -9 Hz.
As a electronic music producer and seasonal beekeeper. I was inspired to learn more about bee frequencies and make a creative work that incorporated these bee frequencies in the hope of raising awareness about bees and their increasingly fragile ecology system. There are many interesting facts about bee frequencies. For example… the same
high frequencies the Queen creates, are also used in Genetic Engineering to splice DNA together.
Hive Synthesis aims to create a immersive sound environment from the listening perspective of each of the three types of bee. I.e. What the Queen would hear inside the hive, what the worker would hear inside the hive and what the drone would hear inside the hive.
Listening to honey. Each beehive colony sounds different and each type of honey sounds different too, depending on the water content (usually around 17 percent in my beehive’s honey) and the viscocity of the honey.